Hair Crush: Carly Cushnie

Carly... punky funky chic!

Punky funky!
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I’m in love with the faux-hawk, fohawk, frohawk, or whatever you want to call it. I’ve got tons of pictures of the zillion variations on this style pinned to my personal Pinterest shrine to all things nappy, and I never get bored or tired of it. Looks good dressed up for a formal occasion, or dressed down for coffee with friends.  It’s cool and edgy and chic and stylish and… oh, am I gushing?

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The Power of Suggestion


My niece’s amazing hair under a birthday hat

I have a niece.

She is confident and self-assured, fearless and strong. She is a happy and beautiful child, obsessed with Christmas. She is smart and funny and speaks two languages. She is three years old and already knows everything there is to know about everything.

Her Daddy and Papa asked me what to do with her hair… which is some amazing hair, if you ask me. More than once, I have promised to shave it off and make myself a wig with it… which could still happen, by the way. But I digress. Continue reading

Hair Crush: Whitney Naptural85 White

A little while ago, I talked about one of my favorite YouTubers, Whitney (aka, Naptural85). She had just given birth to a beautiful baby girl. Read that here and watch a video showing off her new family. I gushed (a mini-gush) about how great she was. How smart and funny. How knowledgeable.

Well, she’s all of those things. But have you seen her hair? I mean… have you seen it?


Napturally Beautiful Naptural85!
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