Hair Crush: Carly Cushnie

Carly... punky funky chic!

Punky funky!
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I’m in love with the faux-hawk, fohawk, frohawk, or whatever you want to call it. I’ve got tons of pictures of the zillion variations on this style pinned to my personal Pinterest shrine to all things nappy, and I never get bored or tired of it. Looks good dressed up for a formal occasion, or dressed down for coffee with friends.  It’s cool and edgy and chic and stylish and… oh, am I gushing?

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The Power of Suggestion


My niece’s amazing hair under a birthday hat

I have a niece.

She is confident and self-assured, fearless and strong. She is a happy and beautiful child, obsessed with Christmas. She is smart and funny and speaks two languages. She is three years old and already knows everything there is to know about everything.

Her Daddy and Papa asked me what to do with her hair… which is some amazing hair, if you ask me. More than once, I have promised to shave it off and make myself a wig with it… which could still happen, by the way. But I digress. Continue reading

Hair Crush: Whitney Naptural85 White

A little while ago, I talked about one of my favorite YouTubers, Whitney (aka, Naptural85). She had just given birth to a beautiful baby girl. Read that here and watch a video showing off her new family. I gushed (a mini-gush) about how great she was. How smart and funny. How knowledgeable.

Well, she’s all of those things. But have you seen her hair? I mean… have you seen it?


Napturally Beautiful Naptural85!
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Welcome Baby Naps!

One of my favorite natural hair gurus, Whitney (aka Naptural85), and her husband Felipe welcomed a beautiful baby girl on November 15, 2012. Say hello to Olivia…

@Nap85 & Baby Naps
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This is the couple’s first child, so it’s incredible to me that Mama Naps is finding the time to take care of Baby Naps and still squeeze in some video editing and uploading! She’s redefining Supermom. Also amazing to me is how candid she has been throughout her pregnancy, right up to the day she gave birth. The videos posted give a pretty intimate glimpse. Watching made me feel like I was a part of the whole experience. The way you would be if you were family.  I admire that kind of openness.

Whitney has some great video tutorials on how to care for natural hair, as well as videos that give you a window into her life. I’m sure she’ll be adding some tutorials about newborns and being a new mommy.

She is smart and funny and goofy. Be sure to stop by either of her channels. She also has a blog, which you can check out here.

Congratulations to the happy family! Olivia is soooooo cute!

CoverGirl Comes Alive with Janelle Monae

I’m always too rushed/lazy/confused in the morning to do much more than wash what needs washing and brush what needs brushing.  If I’m feeling like being especially GLAM, I might put on some lip gloss and mascara.

All this to say that happenings in the makeup world don’t usually make ripples in the water for me.  That is, until I stumbled upon these…

Y’all… gone are the days of the stereotypical “Girl-Next-Door.”  CoverGirl continues to break boundaries by featuring the unique and trend-bucking Janelle Monae, who joins the ranks of the emblematic Queen Latifah, P!nk, and Ellen DeGeneres, as its face.

One of the best quotes I’ve come across from Janelle is:

That’s what I’ve always been fighting for – making sure that people love themselves for who they are, and we don’t pick on people because we’re uncomfortable with ourselves, or who they are. That’s been my message, from when I was young to now. There are lots of young girls out there who are struggling with their identities… afraid of being discriminated against or teased. I take risks and use my imagination so that other people will feel free and take risks. That’s my hope. (source:

It’s good to see the brand recognize and celebrate diversity.  Sounds like she’s a perfect fit for their campaign!

In the aftermath of Viola Davis and Gabby Douglas receiving flack and negative comments about their hair, what does this new partnership between Janelle and CoverGirl mean to you?

Tar Slinging

I’m going to reveal a secret that so many do not want to talk about: the majority of black women do not have flowing blond hair!  GASP!

BrownButterBeauty - Viola Davis

Beautiful Natural Viola Davis
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There’s been a lot of talk about Viola Davis at the 2012 Academy Awards.  She chose to ditch the wigs that we are accustomed to seeing her and so many other black celebrities wearing and instead opted to wear her hair pretty much the way it grows out of her head… GASP!!

Consequently, this was followed by chatter about whether or not the look was appropriate for the occasion.  There were equal parts mud (or dare I say tar) slinging for her lack of formality and commendation for her bravery.  Brave?  I guess so, but why is doing what comes natural brave?

Particularly prominent was talk show host Wendy Williams, who disapproved loudly of Ms. Davis’ look.  The natural hair community was up-in-arms over her degrading remarks.  While I acknowledge people’s right to an opinion and the freedom to express it, I feel that women in the media (and particularly black women in the media) have a responsibility to champion our image and to pave the way for the world to embrace it in all its forms, whether it be silken haired or kinky and curly.  Ms. Williams doesn’t have to like natural hair, but she certainly should not be knocking others who do.

I did a quick Google Search of Wendy Williams to see what she considers to be appropriate red carpet hair and (surprise, surprise) I found that she pretty much sports one hair style all the time.  C’mon Wendy. Where’s your sense of individual style and imagination?  And there were a few photos that made me question her right to judge anyone’s appearance, ever.

Wendy Williams' Idea of Flaxen Beauty

Why is this more beautiful?
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LJ Knight was featured on BGLH asking the question: Are Nappy Headed Insults Making a Pop Culture Comeback?  The focus of her post was the comments made by Ms. Williams, shining a light on the uncomfortable topic of self-love and acceptance.  LJ’s post is well written and expresses an opinion with which I certainly agree: Ms. Williams’ attack on Ms. Davis’ appearance was uncalled for, as well as a step backwards for promoting distinctively black beauty.